In our increasingly interconnected world, where challenges are multifaceted, the pursuit of sustainable development
has become a global imperative. No single entity, organization, or nation can address the complex array of issues that
define our era alone. Within this context, Sustainable Development Goal 17 (SDG 17), "Partnerships for the Goals,"
holds a central position in the Agenda for Sustainable Development.
As an academic institution dedicated to holistic education, innovation, and community engagement, Nitte DU
recognizes the importance of forming partnerships to advance its goals and contribute to sustainable development.
It believes that addressing complex challenges requires collaborative efforts. SDG 17 aligns perfectly with the
university's vision, emphasizing the critical importance of fostering partnerships at various levels, including local
NGOs, governmental organizations, state-level NGOs, state governments, national governments, and other
universities. By engaging in strategic collaborations, Nitte (Deemed to be University) can amplify its impact, leverage
its resources and expertise to tackle local challenges such as healthcare, education, and environmental sustainability,
and harness diverse expertise to drive sustainable progress on multiple fronts.
Nitte (Deemed to be University)'s role extends beyond its campus boundaries. By aligning its efforts with SDG 17,
the university becomes a catalyst for positive change, highlighting the transformative power of collaboration.
Global partnership of NU:
Nitte (Deemed to be University) is forefront of global partnership to
foster research, innovations, student exchange, develop cooperation in
tertiary education, facilitate discussion on educational projects. State of
the art research centres are established to nurture research activities
oriented towards SDG goals. Nitte (Deemed to be University) has
established 45 MoU with global universities. International students'
enrolment is encouraged for the academic and research program at
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has designated four
institutions globally as FAO Reference Centers for Antimicrobial
Resistance and Aquatic Biosecurity; two in China, one in USA and
one in India at Nitte (DU), Mangalore. The official launch of these
centres took place on 26 June 2023 at the FAO Headquarters,
- Dr. Indrani Karunasagar is nominated member of the World
Organization for Animal Health (WOAH, formerly OIE) Electronic
Expert Group, to develop guidelines for monitoring antimicrobial
use in aquaculture at the field level in the year 2023.
- Indo-Norway joint research project entitled “Biotechnological
approaches for prevention and control of fish disease in aquaculture
(BIOAQUA),” funded by Department of Science and Technology
(DST), Government of India is ongoing between NU and Nord
University, Norway.

Dr. Hetron M. Munang'andu, Professor
Nord University, Faculty of Biosciences &
Aquaculture sharing research experience
at NU Click to watch

NU team at
Nord university
Norway on joint
research activity.

Official launch of FAO reference centres at the headquarters, Rome.
- FAO Reference Center for Antimicrobial Resistance was launched by
Dr. S.K. Pattanayak at Nitte University. FAO designated four
institutions globally as FAO Reference Centers for Antimicrobial
Resistance and Aquatic Biosecurity.
- The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations and
Technology Enabling Centre Nitte (DU) jointly organized an online
seminar on 'Ocean, Climate Change, and Public Health' as a part of
the Ocean Day celebration on June 8, 2023. Prof. Dr. Rita R. Colwell,
former director of the National Science Foundation and distinguished
university professor at the University of Maryland, USA, delivered the
guest lecture.
- Dr. Iddya Karunasagar delivered training on application of application
of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) in fish processing in
Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Dec 12-14, 2023, under EU funded CAFISH
CAPTURE project implemented by UNIDO.

Inauguration of FAO reference centre at NU
- Under a project funded by the International Trade Center (ITC) of
United Nations, Dr. Iddya Karunasagar delivered three training
Workshops in Malaysia. The first workshop (Nov 6-8, 2023) was
intended to provide training to Biosecurity Division of the on
conducting import risk analysis following the guidelines of World
Organisation of Animal Health (WOAH) Aquatic Animal Health Code.
The second Workshop (Nov 9-11, 2023) provided training to the
Officers of Department of Fisheries, Malaysia on Aquatic Animal
Disease surveillance.
- Dr. Iddya Karunasagar conducted a training program on best
international practices in the import of seafood in Jakarta, Indonesia,
from September 18–22, 2023.
- Dr. Iddya Karunasagar represented FAO Reference Center on
Antimicrobial Resistance and Aquaculture Biosecurity and served as
resource person, along with Dr. Sylvie Coulon of EU for training on
disease management in ornamental fish in Malaysia (Putrajeya, July
18-28, 2023) and on the Codex Code of Practice for fishery products
in Tawau, Sabah (July 31-Aug 4, 2023). Dr. Iddya Karunasagar
provided lectures on Codex standards, Code of practice and World
Organization of Animal Health (WOAH).

MoU was established between NU and Nord University, Norway to
strengthen the activities towards SDG goal life below water. Nitte
University is situated in the west coastal belt of India and has the potential
to contribute towards life below water activity due to geographical
location. International
research scholars and
s t ude n t e xcha nge
program initiated at
N i t te U n i ve rsi t y i s
contributing to SDG
goal. Global partnership
is strengthened through
MoU between NU and
universities abroad.

MoU between NU and Nord University

International research scholar from Ghent university, Belgium sharing his
research experience on aquaculture at NU

VIA University and UCL university student's testimonial
on student research exchange program at NU
MoU is signed with VCU, Richmond, on 11th December 2023. The
primary goals of the MoU are to enhance the relation between the two
institutions and to develop academic and cultural exchanges. The
collaboration aims to advance the discovery of new knowledge, creative
expression, and innovation, enhance teaching and learning. Moreover,
the partnership seeks to
strengthen both
communities and work
collaboratively towards
internationalization of
higher education at both

MoU signed with VCU, Richmand
SAKURA Exchange Program-
University of Miyazaki, Japan:
Researchers from Nitte (Deemed to be University) visited University of
Miyazaki, Japan from 11th – 17th December, 2023 under the program
'Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science' (SAKURA Exchange
Program in Science). This is part of the efforts by Japan Science and
Technology Agency (JST) to promote scientific and cultural exchange
between Japan and Asian countries.

Team of researcher visited University of Miyazaki, Japan
Sakura Science Exchange Program-Ritsumeikan
A team of students from various branches of Engineering along with Dr.
S h ya m a P ra s a d S a j a n k i l a ,
Associate Professor, Department
of Biotechnology, NMAMIT
participated in the Sakura Science
Exchange Program at
Ritsumeikan University, Japan
from 9th July to 15th July 2023.
Fro m fa s c i nat i n g res ea rc h
collaborations to immersing in
rich cultural experiences, students
had an incredible time during the
S a ku ra S c i e n ce E xc h a n g e Program held in Japan.

Students from NU visited Ritsumeikan University, Japan

NU represents India during Sakura Science Exchange Program - Japan

Global partnership of Nitte (Deemed to be University)
Expert talk from global partnership towards SDG:
Dr. Hiroaki Kitagawa, President, St. Marianna School of Medicine, St.
Marianna University, Tokyo, Japan delivered a guest lecture titled “The
Role of Fetal Surgery for Congenital Malformations” on 16th Aug. 2023

Dr. Hiroaki Kitagawa delivering talk at NU.
International relations:
- Dr. Indrani Karunasagar is nominated as member of the World
Organization for Animal Health (WOAH, formerly OIE) Electronic
Expert Group, to develop guidelines for monitor
- On 6th July 2023 Dr Indrani Karunasagar attended the second EEG
meeting to discuss the distribution of chapters related to AMU
guidelines for hatcheries prescriptions related to aquatic food.
- On 18th Dec 2023: Dr Indrani Karunasagar participated in the WOAH
meeting on setting guidelines for monitoring antimicrobial use in
aquaculture at the field/farm level.

National partnership of NU:
Nitte DU engages in collaborations at various levels of society, including
local governing bodies, state and central governments, and global
partnerships to address needs in health, education, and research.
Established as Nitte Education Trust in 1979 to serve rural populations,
Nitte (DU) has been providing essential medical and dental treatment to
rural communities. Each year, Nitte (DU) treats 250,000 beneficiaries
through its 24 rural centres across five districts in two states. These
services are offered on a charitable basis and are not profit-driven. The
centres result from collaborations with local NGOs and philanthropists.
- To escalate teaching, learning and research activities 68 MoU is
established across the country with universities, government
organizations, and NGOs.
- Nitte University and Kakunje Software have signed MOU agreeing
to cooperate in the development of medical devices and other
mutually essential technologies.
- An MoU was signed on 16th June 2023, between SRM
University-AP and Nitte (DU), to promote academics and
research in Biological Science. Technologies developed at Nitte
university transferred to industry.
- A medical device “periodontal probe” has been developed and
this has led to the formation of a Startup Company Dentronics Pvt
Ltd. Technology developed for rapid detection of foodborne
pathogen Salmonella to be commercialized by M/S Biokart India
Pvt Ltd. The technology for control of diseases caused by Vibrio
spp in aquaculture using bacteriophages as alternatives to
antibiotics was licensed to M/S Mangalore Biotech Laboratory.

The United Nations has declared June 7 as World Food Safety Day to
highlight the importance of food safety and the role of players in the food
chain, from primary production to consumption or from farm to plate.
The theme of World Food Safety Day 2023 is “Food standards save
lives”. To create awareness about food safety standards and improve
understanding about them in the industry, Nitte DST Technology Enabling
Center, in collaboration with the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII),
Kanara Chamber of Commerce and Industries (KCCI), and Food Safety
and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), organized a workshop on
“Understanding food safety standards.”
Proactive steps taken by NU:
Established research centre in the thrust areas to provide facility for
breakthrough research activity, set the platform for international and
national collaborations. Organising conferences to develop networking
with international and national universities, exchange of knowledge
Expert talk on energy sector
Arranging invited talk by expert from government, NGO, universities,
professional organisation resource personal to understand reforms taking
place in education, government policies and engage in cross sectoral
dialogue. Emphasis is given for the collaborative research articles, patents
to enhance scientific knowledge base. University is organizing
conference, patent, invited talks, Coursera for educational partnership,
value added course
Contribution to Society:
Nitte University established rural health centre exemplifies its
commitment to community service and sustainable development by
extending healthcare and educational services to underserved rural
populations. Health check-up, treatment camps are conducted on regular
basis in the rural area.
Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Craniofacial Surgery has been involved in
free of cost multidisciplinary management of patients with cleft and
craniofacial deformities for over a decade. The institute is funded by Cleft
Children International, Zurich and Smile Train, USA which enables
conduct of free surgeries for cleft lip and palate and complex craniofacial
defects. Screening camps are organised every week in most interior
parts of Karnataka and Kerala to identify, diagnose and treat such needy

Documentary on NU contribution towards society

N-BRITE - School Dental Health Programs; Nere Kere Kshema - A
project for total community development; Nethra Jyothi - Rural Eye Care
Services; Sahara - Free health check-up for Senior Citizens, KSHEMA
Sandhya – Geriatric Day Care Facility, Manasadhara – Psychiatry
rehabilitation center with support from Govt. of Karnataka;- SPECC
(Nitte Special Children Care) - Free multidisciplinary health care to
children with special health care; NICAT - Nitte Integrated Care for Tribal
Community; Sanchalana - Subsidized diagnostic services and joint
replacement program for arthritis and sports injuries; Sanjeevini - Blood
Donor Registry; Bone Marrow Registry in collaboration with BMC Alumni
Society; Community deaddiction camps; Free embalming facilities;
Karunya- Helping Hand for the Disabled; Neevu Kshemave – A
Television Based Weekly Live Health Information Talk with General Public
on DAIJI WORLD TV- EVERY FRIDAY, Single Day Denture Camps - In
Collaboration with Indian Dental Association, International School of
Dentists and Government of Karnataka.

Nitte Climate Action Program:
Nitte (Deemed to be University) has launched the Nitte Climate Action
Program (NCAP), a five-year outreach program that aims to empower
youth to inspire action, enable impactful changes in behaviour, and
promote innovations, leading to an equitable, sustainable future.
The NCAP is organized by the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) cell
of the University, The Institution Innovation Council (IIC), and the National
Service Scheme (NSS) units of Nitte DU.
During the year 2023 the program was conducted in 104 schools of the
North Mangaluru Division. Awareness was created among 7774 students
on Sustainable Development Goals.

Inauguration of Nitte climate action program